Products and services
Line routing
Planning the overhead line with SYNOPTRA will give you valuable advantages during the approval procedure! You will be able to prove that the variant you suggested reduces the impact to nature to a strict minimum: synoptraPLANER generates overhead lines using intelligent algorithms that take the different optimization criteria (visibility, approval ability, costs) into account. You will also get variants that are optimized only according to one criterium - important feature for comparing different lines.
- Delivery of relevant planning information of optimal overhead line (Route, positions and heights of pylons, slack span). Of course all technical restrictions and geological information (contour lines, forests, streets, etc.) are taken into account!
Delivery of lists of pylons as DXF-files (
Proof of visibility, approval ability and costs.
Analysis of visibility
IngeniusSoftware will do the following services for you:
Distributions of total visibility of pylons ("How much visible is a pylon on each position of the area concerned?") and location specific visibility ("How much visible is the whole line on each obersver position in the area concerned?") as a matrix of values and visualized using synoptraIMAGE (
Comparison of optical impact of different route variants or different forms of pylons on the same route
Comparative study of optical impact with other objects (i.e. wind turbines)
synoptraIMAGE lets you create as many pictures of the line as you want. You just click on the map, define parameters (such as line of sight, height of observer, brightness, color of sky, etc.) and the picture is immediately created. Using trajectories you can even make films (i.e. driving in a car and looking at the planned overhead line). The striking advantage over conventional methods is the complete flexibility!
IngeniusSoftware will do the following services for you:
- Software synoptraIMAGE for unlimited use in the scope of the project
- If the route of your overhead line is already fixed the usage of synoptraANALYSE can nevertheless render you a good service by comparing your line with other variants or by comparing its visual impact to the one of a wind turbine! This will give you good arguments during the approval procedure.
- The same applies to synoptraIMAGE that can be used even if the planning process is over.
In order to get an overview of prerequisites necessary for starting your project with SYNOPTRA and the services IngeniusSoftware will supply just click here.