synoptraPLANER - Advantages at a glance:

  • Consideration of landscape
  • Consideration of technical restrictions
  • Optimisation according to visibility, approval ability and costs
  • Generation of many comparable variants
  • Creation of lists of pylons (Example)

The main challenge of the planning process consists in finding the variant with highest possible approval. That is why the routing should be planned to minimize optical impact of the line and to avoid inhabited areas and nature reserves.

But there exist an infinite number of possible lines to link the two given points. Furthermore an adequate consideration of the optimization criteria "visibility", "approval ability", and "costs" cannot be achieved by conventional methods. The software synoptraPLANER therefore resorts to intelligent algorithms to generate optimized overhead lines according to the given criteria. Every single line generated takes into account all technical restrictions and the topology of the landscape. It automatically creates lists of pylons.
[Click on the pictures to enlarge them.]

The following links show examples of optimizations that have been made with synoptraPLANER in the scope of some projects:

Apart from route planning, IngeniusSoftware offers the following services:

  • Mathematical calculation of visibility (Details here)
  • Creation of fotorealistic pictures of the landscape - and film-sequences such as driving in a car and looking at the planned overhead line (Details here)